• A person is holding an iPhone with the Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case, which has a transparent design featuring a smiling bread cartoon and various pastries like pretzel, pineapple bun, croissant, muffin, and more. The all-inclusive protective cover also includes text referencing a bakery and breadshop along with a central Bun Stand pop socket.
  • A person wearing a brown and beige outfit is holding a smartphone with the "Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case." The clear case, featuring smiley-faced buns and pastries like croissants, pretzels, and pineapple buns, also has a circular smiling bun-shaped pop socket attached to the back for added convenience.
  • A person is holding the Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case, which showcases a cute bread design with colorful, cartoonish illustrations of baked goods like pineapple buns and pretzels. One illustration highlights a smiling orange bread bun with the word "baker" above it.
  • A hand holding the Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case, showcasing its transparent design adorned with adorable, smiling pastry illustrations. The phone case features various baked goods designs, including bread rolls and croissants. The background depicts wicker baskets filled with bread.
  • A person holding the Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case, which features a clear design with cute cartoon baked goods. The phone case includes a pop socket shaped like a smiling bun. In the background, there is a baked pastry visible on a wooden surface.
  • A person is holding a Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case with an all-inclusive transparent protective cover featuring cute, illustrated baked goods like pretzels and buns, each with smiling faces. The case includes the text "Ufology Original" at the upper center and accommodates the phone’s three camera lenses.
  • A person is holding the Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case, which features a cute decorative pattern of illustrated baked goods, including a smiling pineapple bun. The light-colored phone case includes an all-inclusive protective cover and a bun stand with the same pineapple bun design. The person is wearing a mustard-colored top.
  • The Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case features a cream background adorned with cartoon bread characters, each with smiling faces and labels such as "Pineapple Bun," "Pretzel," and "Croissant." This all-inclusive protective cover also comes with a built-in Bun Stand, showcasing another cheerful bread character.
  • A smartphone with a Bakery Friends MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max Case featuring various cartoon pastries with smiling faces, including a croissant, toast, pineapple bun, pretzel, and a central pastry on the bun stand. The case also features labels such as "Bakery," "Barbershop," and "Ufology Bakery.

    MagSafe Compatible

    ベーカリーフレンズ MagSafe iPhone 16 Pro Max ケース | かわいいパンデザインとパンスタンド | オールインクルーシブ保護カバー

    通常価格 ¥5,800
    iPhone 16 Pro Max専用
    • Apple Pay
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • New Payment Method
    • Google Pay

    楽しさと機能性を兼ね備えた素敵なアクセサリー、Bakery Friends MagSafe ケースで iPhone 16 Pro Max にちょっとした甘さをプラスしましょう。この魅力的なケースには、笑顔のクロワッサン、プレッツェル、パイナップルパンなど、さまざまな愛らしいパンやペストリーのイラストが描かれており、デバイスに遊び心を加えてくれます。ケースには、ハンズフリーで鑑賞するのに最適なパン型のスタンドが付属しており、しっかりと握れるので、実用的であると同時にキュートです。

    シームレスな MagSafe 互換性のために設計された Bakery Friends ケースは、ワイヤレス充電が簡単で、MagSafe アクセサリを簡単に取り付けられます。耐久性のある高品質の素材で作られたこのケースは、iPhone 16 Pro Max を傷、落下、日常の摩耗から守り、包括的に保護します。オールインクルーシブなデザインは、扱いやすいスリムで軽量なプロファイルを維持しながら、デバイスを完全にカバーします。精密なカットアウトにより、すべてのボタン、ポート、機能に簡単にアクセスでき、ケースを外さなくても完全な機能を確保します。かわいい食べ物にインスパイアされたデザインが好きな人に最適な Bakery Friends MagSafe ケースは、iPhone 16 Pro Max のスタイル、保護、利便性を完璧に組み合わせています。

    探しているものが見つかりませんでしたか? 私たちはあなたの時間を大切にしていますが、わずか 10 秒で当社の全コレクションを調べることで、ぴったりのものが見つかるかもしれません。