• An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.
  • An iPhone 16 Pro Max Cute Bear Silicone Case showcasing playful cartoon bear heads with various accessories. This case features a predominantly dark design accented with floral elements and the "Spring Time" text at its center. It offers not just style but also shockproof protection due to its soft touch liquid silicone construction, ensuring durability and anti-scratch properties.

    Exclusively for iPhone 16 Pro Max

    iPhone 16 Pro Max かわいいクマのシリコンケース | 耐衝撃、傷防止、ソフトタッチの液体シリコンカバー

    通常価格 ¥3,100
    iPhone 16 Pro Max専用
    • Apple Pay
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • New Payment Method
    • Google Pay

    1. 春の雰囲気が漂う愛らしいクマのデザイン

    楽しくて遊び心のあるデザインがお好きな方に最適な、かわいいクマをテーマにした iPhone 16 Pro Max ケースで毎日を楽しくしましょう。カラフルな春のモチーフがデバイスにちょっとした遊び心を加え、鮮やかなプリントがお使いの携帯電話を他のものと一線を画すものにします。

    2. 超ソフトな液体シリコン素材

    改良された液体シリコンで作られたこのケースは、驚くほど柔らかく、赤ちゃんの肌のような触り心地で、触ると気持ちがよいです。滑らかな質感が快適なグリップを提供し、自然に滑り止め効果もあるため、べたつかず iPhone が手にしっかりと固定されます。

    3. 強化された耐衝撃保護

    総合的な保護を念頭に設計されたこのケースは、強化されたコーナーと衝撃吸収素材を備えており、落下、衝突、傷から保護します。全周エッジ保護により衝撃を効果的に軽減し、iPhone 16 Pro Max を安全かつ健全に保ちます。

    4. 精密カメラとスクリーン保護


    5. 焦げ付きにくくお手入れ簡単


    6. カスタムスタイルのためのマルチカラーオプション

    さまざまなカラー オプションで、独自のスタイルを表現しましょう。それぞれに同じ楽しいクマのデザインがあります。パステル ピンク、ソフト ホワイト、その他の魅力的な色合いなど、どなたにもぴったりの色が見つかります。

    7. 完璧なフィット感とフルアクセス

    このケースは iPhone 16 Pro Max 専用に設計されており、必要な切り抜きがすべて完璧に揃い、ぴったりフィットします。デバイスのデザインを引き立てるケースで、携帯電話の機能をフルに活用できます。

    可愛くて保護力の高いクマをテーマにしたシリコンケースで、iPhone 16 Pro Max をアップグレードしましょう。魅力的な美しさと日常的な機能性を兼ね備えています。携帯電話に楽しさと信頼性の高い保護を加えたい方に最適なアクセサリーです。

    探しているものが見つかりませんでしたか? 私たちはあなたの時間を大切にしていますが、わずか 10 秒で当社の全コレクションを調べることで、ぴったりのものが見つかるかもしれません。