• Two iPhone 16 Pro Max smartphones encased in rugged, blue iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Cases. Each case includes a sliding camera cover, ring kickstand, and shockproof protection, as well as MagSafe compatibility. One smartphone is positioned upright while the other lies on its back.
  • Two black **iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Cases** are shown. One case includes a ring stand, and both feature a circular magnetic absorption pad, drop protection, and a sliding camera cover.
  • The iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case with a sliding camera cover is displayed. The background depicts a person on a skateboard, highlighting the product's active lifestyle appeal. An inset focuses on the sliding mechanism of the case cover, ensuring drop protection for your device.
  • A person is using a laptop. In the foreground, an iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case with a sliding camera cover and shockproof protection rests on a wooden surface.
  • A sleek black iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case featuring a sliding camera cover and circular grip stand for ultimate drop protection, shown on a phone with three visible camera lenses.
  • A woman sits at a desk with a laptop, coffee cup, and notebook, while her iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case featuring a sliding camera cover and shockproof protection stands upright in the foreground.
  • The iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case features a sliding camera cover that reveals the phone's lenses and is compatible with magnetic mounts. Meticulously labeled, the TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) and PC (polycarbonate) materials ensure ultimate drop protection.
  • A hand holding the iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case with ultimate drop protection, featuring a rugged black exterior and circular magnetic mount, is being placed onto a magnetic car mount holder within a vehicle interior.
  • A black iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case is shown from multiple angles, including front, back, sides, top, and bottom. The case offers ultimate drop protection with a built-in kickstand and features a sliding camera cover for added security.
  • Two black iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Cases with a robust design are displayed; one stands upright while the other lies flat. Each case features a circular ring holder, drop protection, and a sliding camera cover for enhanced security.
  • Two iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Cases with sliding camera covers and ring holders are displayed in red and black. One case is upright, showcasing both the front and back, while the other lies flat, revealing the sliding camera cover and logo. Both cases provide excellent drop protection for your device.
  • Two iPhones with rugged cases in purple, featuring a sliding camera cover and a MagSafe-compatible ring stand, lie displayed. One iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case is upright, showcasing the screen, while the other is lying down to reveal the magnetic mount compatibility on the case back.
  • Two sleek iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Cases in blue offer robust drop protection and feature sliding camera covers, metal rings for kickstand use, and MagSafe-compatible magnetic rings. One smartphone is angled to display the case's front and back design.
  • Two iPhone 16 Pro Max smartphones are displayed in rugged protective cases featuring a ring holder on the back. One phone stands upright while the other lies flat, showcasing both the front and back views of the case. These iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Cases come with a sliding camera cover, shockproof drop protection, and magnetic mount compatibility for added convenience.
  • The iPhone 16 Pro Max Rugged Magnetic Case offers drop protection and enhanced functionality with its MagSafe compatibility, ring stand, and sliding camera cover. This shockproof case provides added security for your device.

    MagSafe Compatible

    iPhone 16 Pro Max 頑丈なマグネット式ケース | スライド式カメラカバー | 耐衝撃 & マグネット式マウント

    通常価格 ¥1,900
    iPhone 16 Pro Max専用
    • Apple Pay
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • New Payment Method
    • Google Pay

    1. 究極の落下保護

    落下や衝撃に耐えるように設計されたこの超耐久性のあるケースで、iPhone 16 Pro Max を保護します。頑丈なアーマー設計により衝撃吸収性が強化され、過酷な状況でも携帯電話が保護されます。

    2. 保護力を高めるスライド式カメラカバー

    革新的なスライドカバーでカメラレンズを安全に保護します。この機能により、iPhone のカメラを傷、ほこり、偶発的な衝撃から保護し、レンズの鮮明さと性能を維持します。

    3. 磁気マウントの互換性


    4. 安全なグリップと洗練されたデザイン

    このケースは人間工学に基づいたデザインでしっかりと握れるので、落とす心配なく携帯電話を持ちやすくなります。洗練されたブラック仕上げが iPhone に頑丈なスタイルを加えます。

    5. 完全なアクセシビリティのための精密なカットアウト

    iPhone 16 Pro Max 用に完璧に設計されたこのケースは、すべてのボタン、ポート、カメラに簡単にアクセスできるように正確な切り抜きが施されており、デバイスを保護しながら完全な機能性を保証します。

    6. 冒険のために作られた

    トレイルを走るときも、街中をドライブするときも、この頑丈なケースは毎日の過酷な使用に耐えられるよう作られています。頑丈な構造とスライド式カメラ カバーにより、iPhone をさらに保護したい方に最適です。

    探しているものが見つかりませんでしたか? 私たちはあなたの時間を大切にしていますが、わずか 10 秒で当社の全コレクションを調べることで、ぴったりのものが見つかるかもしれません。

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